Tuesday, November 18, 2008

DMOS...I have it!!!!

Ok Now I am getting real sore. I just took 2 advil and got a real hot bath. Tommorrow is gonna be bad. It is always worse the next day...*L*.
Wednesday is a walking day and legs on Thursday.
I have been thinking about hummmm legs on thursday, walk friday maybe roll the workout with a day to walk in between. It will just continue but the days will vary. What do you think?

I'm gonna get me a good lock for my bike and maybe add that on the walk days.

My son ( Emil) was a bike mechanic and he is dying to get Aaron a good bike.
The saddest day for Emil...he was going to an adventure race with a guy he knew in his car. Emil thought he had secured his bike but the guys rack was not so hot and he saw a flash of red and he lost his custom Salsa Bandito . The next car ran over it. I have never felt so sorry for anyone in my life. He had poured thousands of dollars into building that bike. He LOVED it. He had ridden many races on it. He works at an outdooor/adventure store now and is trying to get to a place where he can build another. But all you bike riders know it takes a long time to get your bike just like you want it. Emil's bike was so so so light and strong.

Emil and my x got me a really nice trek touring bike about 5 years ago. I have hardly ridden it. It is like brand new. Emil threatens me if I put it outside. I obey the " Bike Master" or as my family calls him " Johnny Danger'.
I need to put miles on that bike. How do you get over the fear of the drivers on the road?

I better sign off and get some rest, I have much hair to style tommorrw. Did you know the human head weighs about 30 pounds? Do you think that is true?


Unknown said...

I think the little kid on Jerry Maguire said the human head weighs 8 pounds. Thirty pounds seems like an awful lot.

Carrie Garvin said...

Hi Memmey! I bookmarked your blog- would like to stay in touch...


mem said...

M, LOL 8 sounds more like it doesn't it LOL.

Carrie!!!!Can you believe no more Cottage Living. We HAVE to keep all the girlies in touch. I will miss you all so much if we don't. Ya'll can come here and make fun of me while I try to lose this weight and get healthy LOL I'm gonna do it. Carrie, no more CL it is so sad isn't it.